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Denial of Basic Needs

NAV Sagene's Neglect of Winter Shoes and Essential Support for Nødhjelp Applicants.

The applicant was granted emergency aid (Nødhjelp) for food when they applied for winter shoes on 28.10.2024. However, despite the urgent need for proper footwear during the cold winter, NAV Sagene rejected the application for winter shoes after almost a month of delay, leaving the applicant without appropriate protection from harsh weather conditions.

In accordance with both legal principles and basic human rights, the provision of Nødhjelp implies a recognition of urgent and essential needs.
Winter shoes, being critical for health and safety during winter, should be considered a priority!

The repeated rejection of such applications raises questions about fairness and transparency. Punishing applicants who speak out about administrative issues damages trust and accountability.

This is NAV Sagene Rejection on 12.11.2024
For No Clear Reason, the diescion just included the general text explaining the economic situation.